Enviar email con asp clásico
Código ASP clásico
- Por Programador ASP clásico /
- 12/11/2012 @ 14:06:20 /
- 1358 visitas
Esta es una clase para enviar correos con ASP clásico y CDOSYS en aplicaciones corriendo en Windows 2000, Windows 2003 o Windows 2008.
' ------------------ Source: http://kb.parcom.net/article.aspx?id=10130&cNode=4U8H5E ------------------
' Example (using CDOSYS) uncomment as necessary:
' Set oMail = New clsMail
' oMail.MailType = 1
' oMail.RemoteHost = "mail.company.com"
' oMail.From = "user@typeyourdomainhere.com"
' oMail.Subject = "Message Subject"
' oMail.Body = "This is the message body."
' oMail.AddRecipient "user2@typeyourdomainhere.com"
' oMail.AddRecipient "user3@typeyourdomainhere.com"
' -- To send the email in HTML --
' oMail.UseHTML = True
' -- To use SMTP authentication --
' oMail.User = "username@typeyourdomainhere.com"
' oMail.Password = "password"
' If Not oMail.Send Then
' Response.Write oMail.LastError
' End If
Class clsMail
' Class Mail - Provides a common interface for sending e-mail
' ##################
' Private Properties
' ##################
Private m_Mail, m_MType, m_LastError
Private m_From, m_HTML, m_Subject, m_Body
Private m_SMTPServer, m_SMTPUser, m_SMTPPassword
Private m_ToAddr
' ##################
' Public Properties
' ##################
Public Property Let MailType(ByRef f_Type)
m_MType = f_Type
End Property
Public Property Let From(ByRef f_From)
m_From = Trim(f_From)
End Property
Public Property Let UseHTML(ByRef f_HTML)
If f_HTML Then
m_HTML = True
m_HTML = False
End If
End Property
Public Property Let Subject(ByRef f_Subject)
m_Subject = Trim(f_Subject)
End Property
Public Property Let Body(ByRef f_Body)
m_Body = Trim(f_Body)
End Property
Public Property Let RemoteHost(ByRef f_Server)
m_SMTPServer = Trim(f_Server)
End Property
Public Property Let User(ByRef f_User)
m_SMTPUser = Trim(f_User)
End Property
Public Property Let Password(ByRef f_Password)
m_SMTPPassword = f_Password
End Property
Public Property Get LastError() ' As String
LastError = m_LastError
End Property
' ##################
' Public Methods
' ##################
Public Sub AddRecipient(ByVal f_Addr)
f_Addr = Trim(f_Addr)
If Len(f_Addr) > 0 Then
Dim intCount
intCount = m_ToAddr.Count + 1
m_ToAddr.Add intCount, f_Addr
End If
End Sub
Public Function Send() ' As Boolean
Dim oMail, blnError
blnError = False
On Error Resume Next
Select Case m_MType
Case 1 ' CDOSYS(smtp)
Dim iConf
Dim Flds
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 'cdoSendUsingPort
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = m_SMTPServer
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 20
End With
If Len(m_SMTPUser) > 0 Then
With Flds
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 ' cdoBasic
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = m_SMTPUser
.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = m_SMTPPassword
End With
End If
Set oMail.Configuration = iConf
oMail.From = m_From
oMail.To = GetToAddrs
oMail.Subject = m_Subject
If m_HTML Then
oMail.HTMLBody = m_Body
oMail.TextBody = m_Body
End If
Case 2 ' CDONTS(local)
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
If m_HTML Then
oMail.BodyFormat = 0 ' cdoBodyFormatHTML
oMail.MailFormat = 0 ' MIME
oMail.BodyFormat = 1 ' cdoBodyFormatText
End If
oMail.To = GetToAddrs
oMail.From = m_From
oMail.Subject = m_Subject
oMail.Body = m_Body
Case 3 ' JMail
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("Jmail.Message")
oMail.Logging = True
oMail.ISOEncodeHeaders = False
oMail.From = m_From
oMail.Subject = m_Subject
Dim c
For c = 1 to m_ToAddr.Count
oMail.AddRecipient m_ToAddr.Item(c)
If m_HTML Then
oMail.HTMLBody = m_Body
oMail.Body = m_Body
End If
If Len(m_SMTPUser) > 0 Then
oMail.MailServerUserName = m_SMTPUser
oMail.MailServerPassWord = m_SMTPPassword
End If
Case 4 ' ASPMail
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
oMail.RemoteHost = m_SMTPServer
oMail.FromAddress = m_From
oMail.Subject = m_Subject
oMail.BodyText = m_Body
Dim c1
For c1 = 1 to m_ToAddr.Count
oMail.AddRecipient m_ToAddr.Item(c1), m_ToAddr.Item(c1)
Case 5 ' ASPEmail
Set oMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
oMail.Host = m_SMTPServer
oMail.From = m_From
oMail.Subject = m_Subject
oMail.Body = m_Body
oMail.IsHTML = m_HTML
Dim c2
For c2 = 1 to m_ToAddr.Count
oMail.AddAddress m_ToAddr.Item(c2)
'If Len(m_STMPUser) > 0 Then
' oMail.Username = m_SMTPUser
' oMail.Password = m_SMTPPassword
'End If
Case Else
blnError = True
m_LastError = "Invalid mail type selected."
End Select
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set oMail = Nothing
blnError = True
m_LastError = Err.Source & ": " & Err.Description
Select Case m_MType
Case 1 ' CDOSYS(smtp)
Case 2 ' CDONTS(local)
Case 3 ' JMail
Dim strJmailSend
strJmailSend = m_SMTPServer
If Len(m_SMTPUser) > 0 Then
strJmailSend = m_SMTPUser & ":" & m_SMTPPassword & "@" & strJmailSend
End If
If Not oMail.Send(strJmailSend) Then
blnError = True
m_LastError = "JMail Error: " & oMail.Log
End If
Case 4 ' ASPMail
If Not oMail.SendMail Then
blnError = True
m_LastError = "ASPMail Error: " & oMail.Response
End If
Case 5 ' ASPEmail
Case Else
End Select
Set oMail = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
blnError = True
m_LastError = Err.Source & ": " & Err.Description
End If
End If
Send = Not blnError
End Function
' ##################
' Private Methods
' ##################
Private Function GetToAddrs() ' As String
Dim c, strAddrs, arrAddr
arrAddr = m_ToAddr.Items
For c = 0 to m_ToAddr.Count -1
If c > 0 Then
strAddrs = strAddrs & ", "
End If
strAddrs = strAddrs & arrAddr(c) & " <" & arrAddr(c) & ">"
GetToAddrs = strAddrs
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_HTML = False
Set m_ToAddr = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_ToAddr = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
<p>Un ejemplo de uso de la clase para enviar email desde ASP clásico, con depuración de errores:</p>
' Example (using CDOSYS) uncomment as necessary:
Set oMail = New clsMail
oMail.MailType = 1
oMail.RemoteHost = "mail.company.com"
oMail.From = "user@typeyourdomainhere.com"
oMail.Subject = "Message Subject"
oMail.Body = "This is the message body."
oMail.AddRecipient "user2@typeyourdomainhere.com"
oMail.AddRecipient "user3@typeyourdomainhere.com"
' -- To send the email in HTML --
oMail.UseHTML = True
' -- To use SMTP authentication --
oMail.User = "username@typeyourdomainhere.com"
oMail.Password = "password"
' If Not oMail.Send Then
Response.Write oMail.LastError
' End If
tags: servidores asp, enviar correo desde asp, enviar correo con asp, enviar correo asp, enviar mail asp, enviar email con asp, enviar mail asp, enviar mail, enviar e-mail, conexion asp, programador asp, servidor asp gratuito, enviar correo .net
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